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LGfL VoIP User Guide

Navigation: Settings

Schoolwide Settings

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This Schoolwide settings section provides the ability to configure settings on a school-wide basis.

It is up to the VoIP system administrator to perform these tasks.

The system administrator can add lines, change the composition of Line groups via the Line Management interface and set up call cost controls via the Cost Management section.


Terminology used in this section:

Hunt groups

This term describes a situation where incoming calls can be distributed to a set of phones rather than a single extension. The LGfL IP telephony system can support complex call distribution functionality but this must be configured by Wavenet based on each school's individual requirements.

Line groups

This refers to groups of telephone lines which make up the Hunt groups. The extensions within a Line group can all be set to behave in a number of ways when there is an incoming call. For example, they can all ring at the same time, they can ring sequentially until a phone is answered or the next call can be made to automatically go to the phone that has been idle the longest.

Within the VoIP management website, the administrator can control the compositions of the line groups and determine the order in which extensions are called, how they are called and for how long. This is the Line group and it can be found on the Schoolwide Settings page in the site under the Line settings tab. 

In general the administrator's main task will be adding, removing and re-ordering the Line group members and deciding the ringing behaviour for each such group.


See next:

Line Management

Cost Management